Inexpensive and immediately available housing

Accommodation for refugees and social housing

Needs-based living space

Flexible, cost-effective and immediately available

Cost-effective and immediately available housing solutions – whether for refugees or for anyone looking for an affordable home.

With our FlexHomes, we support municipalities and public institutions in creating flexible and comfortable housing solutions that adapt to changing needs.

The special thing about our offer: everything from a single source!

  • Individual planning:
    We develop customized residential concepts that are precisely tailored to the requirements of the users and the local conditions.
  • Development and civil engineering:
    Our team takes care of the entire infrastructure planning and implementation – from development to civil engineering.
  • Turnkey residential units:
    The accommodation is handed over fully furnished and ready for occupancy so that it can be used immediately.
  • Maintenance and technical operation:
    We take care of the maintenance and technical operation of the facilities so that they can be used reliably and efficiently in the long term.

Shelter for refugees

Innovative concept for people in need

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Innovative concept

for people in need

With our FlexHome Hero “, we offer a fast, dignified and fully equipped housing solution for refugees. The 49 qm module offers space for 6-8 people and is fully furnished on delivery – including furniture, kitchen, washing machine, bed linen and other inventory.

Flexible living space solutions – to rent or buy
Hero Quarters enables local authorities to rent or buy living space flexibly. Our rental model offers the opportunity to respond quickly and in line with demand to accommodation requirements – without any initial investment.

Fast delivery – ready for occupancy in 12-14 weeks
We guarantee delivery ready for occupancy within 12-14 weeks of ordering, directly to the desired location.

Optional sustainable features
The FlexHome Hero ” is optionally available with sustainable wood cladding, solar panels and a monopitch roof. These environmentally friendly options enable energy-efficient use and blend harmoniously into the surroundings.

Comprehensive service – from planning to maintenance
Our experienced team will guide you through the entire process – from site development and delivery to operation and maintenance. With over 30 years of experience in similar projects, we ensure that all aspects are professionally planned and implemented.

Social housing

FlexHomes – The modular solution for social housing

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The modular solution for social housing

Our FlexHomes at a glance:

Varied floor plans
Residential units from 48 to 60 sqm with a wide range of layout options: From mini-apartments (15-20 sqm) for singles and young couples to 60 sqm apartments for families.

Delivered ready to move in
with fully equipped kitchen and high-quality sanitary facilities.

Rapid availability
Ready-to-occupy living space within 14-16 weeks.

Individual furnishings
Optionally customizable or fully furnished.

Attractive appearance
The exterior façade of our FlexHomes is made of high-quality solid wood, which is not only visually appealing, but also offers sustainable benefits: the natural wood look blends organically into any environment and gives the residential units a modern, warm appearance. Whether in an urban or rural environment, the wooden façade creates a harmonious connection to the surroundings.

Your advantages:

  • Efficient: Up to a third of the cost of conventional construction methods or conversions.
  • Flexible: Floor plans and room layouts can be adapted to your needs and the wishes of the residents.
  • Locally available: Provision in your community in the shortest possible time.
  • Our FlexHomes create immediately available living space – without compromising on comfort and quality.

Bernd Dumcke
Bürgermeister der Stadt Spenge

Für die Stadt Spenge bieten die Flexhomes einen in vielerlei Hinsicht vernünftigen Kompromiss: Denn wir wollten bewusst keine Containerblocks, die auch vom Aussehen her einer guten Stadtentwicklung wenig dienlich sind, sondern Unterbringungen, die sich harmonisch ins Stadtbild einfügen. Trotzdem bleiben die Flexhomes natürlich Übergangslösungen für temporären Wohnbedarf und sind keine schicken Tiny-Houses, die nach Dauerlösung aussehen. Mich persönlich hat die Zuverlässigkeit der Hero Quarters GmbH beeindruckt, denn die Bauphase fiel bei uns in eine längere Schlechtwetterphase. Trotzdem wurden alle Versprechen und vor allem auch der Zeitplan eingehalten. Das ist heute bei Bauprojekten nicht selbstverständlich. Es war auch die richtige Entscheidung, die Errichtung der ganzen Anlage inklusive der Erschließung der Flächen in einer Hand zu lassen. Das hat sicher auch zur pünktlichen Fertigstellung der 11 Flexhomes hier in Spenge beigetragen.

Clemens Brüx
Bürgermeister der Gemeinde Issum

Wir haben die Hero Quarters GmbH im letzten Jahr beauftragt, auf einer Fläche von rund 1.800 qm in Issum-Sevelen eine Anlage mit mobilen Wohnchalets für ca. 120 Geflüchtete zu erstellen. Wir waren Ende letzten Jahres in der Situation, dass uns keine Wohngebäude oder Wohnungen zur Verfügung standen, aber kurzfristig weitere Personen untergebracht werden mussten. Da kam das flexible Angebot der Hero Quarters zur rechten Zeit, und wir konnten einen Parkplatz erneut umnutzen für die Entstehung von mobilem Wohnraum. Uns hat das Konzept sofort überzeugt, vor allem die Tatsache, dass alles aus einer Hand kommt, von der Vorbereitung der Fläche über die Errichtung der „Flexhomes“ bis hin zur Erstausstattung für die zukünftigen Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner. Das hat auch unsere Verwaltung deutlich entlastet. Insgesamt haben wir 15 Einheiten bei der Hero Quarters GmbH beauftragt. Die Fertigstellung war reibungslos und im vereinbarten Zeitrahmen von nur 10 Wochen ab Auftragserteilung. Vielen Dank für professionelle Umsetzung an das Team von Hero Quarters!

What makes us different


From small satellite solutions to larger ensembles with up to 600 accommodations

Living space for rent or purchase

Our residential modules can be bought or rented. to give municipalities maximum flexibility.

Autonomous units

Enable maximum independence for the residents
and reduce care requirements
on for the operators

„Plug and Play“

Ready for immediate occupancy, fully furnished and equipped

Organic units

in an integrative environment
instead of creating residential
barracks or container Camps


in the development and maintenance of the facilities

Selected project examples